” Team Autism launched their Pre – Diagnostic Group (PDG) in July 2023, meeting in Penrith and on Zoom for Adults without a learning disability who are on the waiting list for an Autism Diagnosis.
Another Pre – Diagnostic Group launched in Workington on 1st March 2024
There is currently a wait of up to 3 years in North and West Cumbria for Adults to get an Autism Diagnosis and this leaves people feeling vulnerable and “in Limbo”
It has been refreshing for people to meet others in their situation and the PDG Groups have enabled people to meet each other and support each other. Peer support is invaluable.
TEAM AUTISM have outgrown the little home office and are looking for a permanent building in Penrith to use as an office and a base for an Autism Hub and outreach work throughout North and West Cumbria.
We are still facilitating Lunch Clubs in Carlisle, Cockermouth, Maryport, Penrith, Whitehaven and Workington
Autism Courses are still free to Autistic Adults and their families throughout 2024
Susan and Daniella have been doing a lot of Co Production work with the NHS, Healthwatch Cumberland, Active Cumbria and Healthwatch Westmorland & Furness and sit on various Autism Boards, panels and attend numerous forums.
We have delivered Autism Awareness Training to many organisations, Penrith Fire Crews, St John’s Ambulance Cadets, Lakes College Students and Staff, 4Eden, Anchor Housing, Home Group Housing, Cumbria Youth Alliance, NHS Staff, Calvert Trust Staff to name a few.
The Autism Simulator AUTISMITY experienced through a VR Headset is a popular part of the Course.